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Mainline Products

Cell Dedicated Base Mix

Here at Mainline we pride ourselves on our forward thinking and unique ability to stay ahead of the pack, which is exactly what we have achieved with the Cell...

The Cell is a completely different type of bait to everything that has gone before it - it’s not a milk protein, fishmeal or birdfood based bait, it is the next step in nutrition technology. Designed to provide a protein source that is easier for carp to convert than fishmeal and birdfood bases that will provoke a sustained feeding response in all water temperatures.

Actively field-tested over a two-year period some truly outstanding results were experienced – results in fact that far out reached our own expectations. That is until Cell was released, and every carper of every level and ability who took up this bait took those results to a whole new level. Never seen before in fishing bait development!

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